php meetup

Full-Text with PHP and Sphinx

Fulltext indexing, search and MySQL compatibility in the cloud.

September 25th, 2012

Sphinx is a standalone open source search server with incrediblly fast full-text and other search functions, including geo-spatial distance support and more. It also combines both native NoSQL functionality and MySQL protocol compatibility.

In this talk, we'll explore Sphinx's power, walk through key integration steps in a PHP environment, look at how to efficiently build the most popular services to support high-load and scalability.

The Sphinx development team brings great new features every few months and in the second part of the talk, we'll look at running Spinx in cloud environments and explore more of the most recent features in the upcoming 2.1.x version.

Vladimir is helping people to grow their websites by scaling, optimizing and eliminating performance bottlenecks on different levels. In the past he worked with high-performance systems as a developer and team leader. He is currently providing consulting for both MySQL and Sphinx. In his off-duty time he's enjoying bicycling, travel, and photography.


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