[nycphp-talk] NYC Freelance rates

joshmccormack at joshmccormack at
Mon Jan 20 12:09:20 EST 2003

I think there's some major league low balling going on. I bid for a project and was told by the company about the competing bids. People are looking for anything they can get, and don't want to risk overbidding. I think you'd need an impressive history, good sales pitch and good clients to get $40-$50 with consistency these days.


On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Edward Potter wrote:

> Hi,
>   I was just wondering what the going rate for freelance (NYC) PHP 
> programmers was? I have a client that says she is getting scores of 
> resumes where guys are charging less then $20 an hour. I had assumed it 
> was about $40 - $50 these days.
> thanks
> -- ed

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