[nycphp-talk] cache frameset

David Rodriguez drodriguez1 at
Wed Mar 26 13:18:00 EST 2003

Don't know for certain, but I think it is mostly a matter of how a particular browser handles frames, and of course the speed of the users Internet connection.  Not sure if you can cache the pages for the frameset.


On Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 01:13PM, Christopher Hendry <chendry at> wrote:

>does anyone know if/how I could cache a frameset, so that when the frameset
>displays all of the pages inside it display at once as opposed to one page
>within the frameset loading up at a different pace than the other pages.
>I have a couple of embedded framesets (unavoidable, I'm afraid) with php
>inside.  And the pages load in a very ugly fashion (sometimes there can even
>be a lag so one page doesn't load till much later than the others).  I only
>need it to display all at once at the index page.
>It's in a hosted environment, so I don't have much control over the server.
>Is it possible???
>Thanks, Chris
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