[nycphp-talk] PHPAds New

Joel De Gan joel at
Wed Apr 7 13:57:43 EDT 2004

On Wed, 2004-04-07 at 12:07, Steven Samuel wrote:
> Yea, it does appear to have more functionality than phpAdsNew...except:
> Impression capping: set limits on the number of impressions to be
> delivered to a user within a specific timeframe 
> Companion sections: prevent the same creative from appearing twice on a
> page
> This comes with Oasis Professional which is $695.00. But this comes
> standard w/ phpAdsNew and it's actually something I use everyday.

Here is a screencap (of the free version) for the traffic-shaping..
so, yes on a per-ad basis you can set limits. 

As for companion sections, we have not had an issue with that. Though we
generally don't have multiple ads on freehosted pages. For high-end,
this is by far the best system we have seen. 

The funny thing is, that I found this by reading an article about
spammers and how they needed the monster systems to handle the images
back before email clients stopped displaying remote images in emails.
They tracked everything even if a user moused-over an image.

This professional stuff is new, they didn't have that before, guess they
decided to make a buck or two off of it for the newer features.

Joel De Gan
--------- - php freelance - get $10 free advertising for your site

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