[nycphp-talk] Search for NYPHP List Archives available, (alpha ver)

Jayesh Sheth jayeshsh at
Thu Apr 22 17:55:39 EDT 2004

Hi Chris,

thanks for your feedback. I will definitely try to add a "restrict to 
month and/or year" option. Also - highlighted keywords would be a good 
idea too. I am not sure how I would do that exactly ... maybe someone 
use of regular expressions, or just str_replace ... (I'm not sure yet).

I am relatively new to regular expressions (having not had to use them 
much before). Going off on this regex tangent:
The last two issues of PHP Architect ( ) has great 
articles on regular expressions ( Perl-style regexes). For anyone who is 
interested, I made a list of all the good regular expression articles I 

PHPBuilder also has some great articles on POSIX-style regular 
expressions (linked in the list above). I find POSIX style expressions 
much easier than the Perl-style ones somehow. (I like the idea of 
[:alpha:] instead of a-zA-z).

On another note, the upcoming April 27th meeting sounds very 
interesting. Clew sounds really cool.

Best Regards,

- Jay
PS: I had an idea today: maybe the scripts powering the searchable NYPHP 
archives should be made into separate project / product. I could use the 
same scripts to search through the old copies of my archived email.

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