[nycphp-talk] PHP5, Oracle 9i, failure to connect

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Wed Aug 25 18:37:06 EDT 2004

Hi Nathan:

I'm running Oracle 9i on a Windows 2000 machine and connecting to it 
via PHP w/o problems.

I uncommented this line in the php.ini files:

I'm using PEAR DB as my API.  My DSN for that is:

Which translates into a PHP connect method of:

If I read your posts correcly, your scritps are on your development 
server and your Oracle instance is on a different server you're 
accessing via the internet.  So, my experience above doesn't exactly 

Perhaps there's a firewall keeping you out?  Perhaps Oracle isn't 
configured to allow connections from your machine, let alone any other 
machine?  You're using the oci8 extension, right?


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