[nycphp-talk] Projects

Brian Kaney brian at
Sat Aug 28 14:21:30 EDT 2004

Sometimes is the good to learn more about a language is just to look at it.
High-quality code, like the modules in Pear, are a good place to start. 
how the code looks and how it is documented will help define a good style
guide.  Here is another frequently referenced coding style

Over at Horde <>, they have a concept that I really
love...project bounties <>.  People and/or
companies sponsor new enhancements for a small cash reward.  This is great in
at least two ways: 1) the project evloves and 2) it gets more developers
learning the codebase.  I would really like to see this become part of
Soureforge and/or Freshmeat.

- Brian

On Sat, 28 Aug 2004 Brian O'Connor <gatzby3jr at> wrote:

> Hi I've been working with PHP now for close to 7 months now, and I
> feel the biggest obstacle for furthering my knowledge is lack of
> projects / sites to create.  I've already worked with MySQL a lot, a
> little bit of PEAR, and worked a bit with OOP.  I was wondering if
> anyone had any suggestions for projects that I do, or a strategy that
> I can use to learn different styles of php.  Thanks.
> --
> Brian O'Connor

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