[nycphp-talk] Your experiences with PHPDocumentor

Chris Snyder csnyder at
Fri Feb 27 14:34:59 EST 2004

patkins wrote:

>I am very impressed and motivated to clean up and comment all my projects. I also tried the "DOxygen" and "PHPDocumentor" was by far better.
This is a matter of preference, obviously, and perhaps I have an 
outdated notion of PHPDocumentor, but one of the things that I really 
like about Doxygen is that it links you right into the actual code.

It also strikes me as being more flexible -- you can use any or all of 
several different commenting styles, although this also seems to result 
in a configuration process that is relatively complex.

The impending introduction of PHP5 will change the auto-documentation 
landscape somewhat, as you'll be expressing a lot of important notions ( 
public vs private, parameter typing ) in the code rather in comments. It 
will be interesting to see which packages take the lead in this case.

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