[nycphp-talk] SNMP really that "simple"?

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Fri Jul 2 11:39:06 EDT 2004

Good point, I actually witnessed this first hand with a trap flood which 
took a long time to nail down ... I thought there was encryption support 
of some kind in v3.

BTW, does the net-smtp lib allow you to create traps?  Ive noticed with 
php5 stream_socket_server() you can receive them but there is no interface 
for snmptrap ... does anyone write apps that send them?  Im guessing its 
trivial ...

- Jon

> Just in case anyone is looking to start to play with SNMP, beware that 
> last I looked there were numerous problems with Microsoft's SNMP on 
> WindowsNT/2000, and that SNMP is clear text (so community passwords and 
> network device info are out in the open for all to see). There are IPSEC 
> solutions to the clear text issue, for those doing that.

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