[nycphp-talk] secure page not showing styles in external css in mozilla?

Stephen Musgrave stephen at
Fri Sep 10 19:34:59 EDT 2004

> But, did you do a hard refresh of the page since you made that
> change (CTRL-SHIFT during)?  Sometimes things are coming from cache.

i'm pretty sure cache isn't the issue.

> Also, is the CSS file really there and correct?  Browse to that URI
> directly to make sure what comes up.

here's what's interesting about that.  when i browses the URI, 
referring to it with https, it downloaded the file to my downloads 
folder instead of showing.  when i browsed with http, it showed the 
contents of the css file in the browser as i would expect.  this was 
the case with camino, firefox and safari in OS X.



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