[nycphp-talk] Successor to the Web?

Daniel Krook krook at
Wed Oct 18 10:42:55 EDT 2006


> ...As 
> remarkable as the Web is, I am coming to the conclusion 
> that it has some severe limitations for the kinds of 
> complex applications that were the standard in the 
> client/server days.  I know that going back to 
> client/server is not the answer and suspect that somewhere
> someone is working on an Internet-based system that could 
> ultimately replace the page-oriented Web.  Can anybody 
> point me in that direction?
> My primary concern with the Web is that it seems to be a 
> force-fit of page-orientation and statelessness to 
> structured programming/object orientation, which I find to
> be inherently task-oriented. 
> While many programmers have 
> reservations about the need for these disciplines, it has been my 
> experience that they become increasingly important as the 
> size and complexity of an application system increases.
> Any thoughts will be appreciated.

> Phil Duffy

There's an interesting article beginning a series at developerWorks which 
shares and addresses some of your concerns (using new technologies to 
eliminate the page-based Web while still adhering to the Web's fundamental 

Ajax and REST, Part 1: Advantages of the Ajax/REST architectural style for 
immersive Web applications

Some more information about REST principles:


Daniel Krook, Content Tools Developer
Global Production Services - Tools,

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