[nycphp-talk] Frameworks - Which best fits my development style?

Brent Baisley brenttech at
Wed Aug 22 19:33:49 EDT 2007

I'm in the same boat. Although I just switched jobs, so I don't have  
my framework anymore. Some of the frameworks require you to program  
to their standards and use the entire framework, like Drupal. I  
prefer to use only the pieces I need or the parts that are better  
than mine. The Zend framework is designed around that concept, so you  
can continue to use your framework and just incorporate pieces of  
I found a lot of the frameworks are designed around creating/managing  
a site. In my case, web sites are just the presentation of various  
pieces. The same "piece" can appear on any number of sites. The site  
isn't the central point, it's the "piece" that's important. The site  
is whatever the creative group comes up with, I just plugin the  
pieces. Many of the frameworks don't lend themselves to this type of  
setup. Most of my code lives in a centralized directory accessible by  
all web sites. Which is why I seem to be settling on Zend.

On Aug 22, 2007, at 12:53 PM, Ben Sgro ((ProjectSkyLine)) wrote:

> Hello all,
> I know there has been a ton of discussion about frameworks.
> So far, I've looked into:
> 1) Cake
> 2) Zend
> 3) Joomla
> 4) Symfony
> 5) Drupal
> I've looked at tutorials, books and online how-tos'. Let me explain  
> my development environment.
> I use smarty templates for all my HTML.  My php is 5w/OOP. I have  
> many libraries from everything
> from database access, sitemap creation, html (textboxes, drop  
> downs), simple ajax, error logging,
> session handling, (all created by myself) and I use PEAR SOMETIMES  
> as to not reinvent the wheel
> for a single project. When I design sites & applications, I have an  
> index.php and pass "actions=WHATEVER"
> on the URL to change the action of the program. I dont use seperate  
> files for different things EXCEPT for all the libs
> and auxiliary functions. I use SVN for revision control.
> I guess I don't see the compelling reason to switch to a framework.  
> Will it really speed up my development
> time, even if I have all these libs (and still expanding) already  
> created?
> The JSON stuff looks cool, but I dont use that much js and if I do,  
> I just write it myself.
> Applications I build are powered by PHP/MYSQL, HTML/CSS. There are  
> forms to fillout, emailing, login,
> account creation, etc. Some are more complicated than others.
> Maybe I could use one framework for making simple websites, and  
> another for applications?
> I'm really looking for success stories or terros from switching  
> from no framework to using one,
> which one, how long it took to be effecient with it, how easy it  
> was to expand/modify, the
> userbase and user support, scalability, ease of use, organization  
> of codebase, etc. Also,
> I LOVE books, so any that have good paperback book or white paper/ 
> tutorials is a BIG plus.
> Any feedback is helpful, and please provide pros/cons.
> Thanks so much!
> - Ben
> Ben Sgro, Chief Engineer
> ProjectSkyLine - Defining New Horizons
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