[nycphp-talk] [OT] Web 2.0 Internet Radio Based on the Music Genome Project

sbeam sbeam at
Tue Jun 26 10:26:50 EDT 2007

On Saturday 23 June 2007, Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> At this internet radio web site, when you arrive you enter the name of
> an Artist that you like and they immediately create an internet radio
> stream that only plays songs from the Artist you selected and other
> similar Artists. And you can make as many custom streams as you would
> like for all your differing tastes and moods. Now that is a pretty 
> hit almost out of the park for a Web 2.0 style application,  I feel.

It is a great site - but FYI this and most other net radio streams will 
go off the "air" on July 15th, thanks to the RIAA's dedication to 
preserving their monopoly on your eardrums.

A note to your congressman may still help...


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