[nycphp-talk] Injection Attack, any ideas?

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Sun Nov 18 22:02:06 EST 2007

On Nov 17, 2007, at 12:42 AM, Daniel Convissor wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 12, 2007 at 04:26:54PM -0500, Rob Marscher wrote:
>> But it's expensive to escape it every time someone views the page.
>> Therefore, it's recommended to filter it on input but store the
>> filtered version
> This approach is flawed because disgruntled people who have server  
> side
> access to the database can insert HTML.  Escaping HTML upon page
> generation is the safest way to go.

Hmm... that's a good point.  I guess my suggestion is more just on  
caching the filtering if it's an expensive operation.  And as you  
point out, that needs to be done in a trusted way.  Here's the  
specific HTMLPurifier documentation that discusses it:

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