[nycphp-talk] Open Source CMS for PHP5

David Krings ramons at
Tue Aug 19 09:59:21 EDT 2008

Joey Derrico wrote:
> Sorry to bring up what has been a dead topic for about a week but I was 
> going through old E-Mails and reread the thread and just had a thought. 
> If there is no CMS that supports all the features of PHP (which 
> basically seems to be the case) maybe we could work on one that fully 
> supports ALL the features of PHP 5.

I don't want to squash your enthusiasm, but I think it is better to work on a 
CMS that supports all the features that a CMS needs even if it then ends up 
using only half of the stuff that PHP 5 can do. Development of any application 
has to focus on the end-user, not the developer.


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