[nycphp-talk] version mismatch - MySQL vs. PHP MySQL client

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sun Jan 6 13:47:18 EST 2008

Ive had this come up a few times ... for the most part if your SQL is  
simple joins it will not really cause problems, the real problems are  
if you are using anything like prepared statements or something meant  
for mysqli extension. (requires 4.1.3)

However since the advantages of using prepared statements (for you and  
your ISP) pretty much outweigh everything else it's probably good to  
be even more paranoid and use them :-)

Im sure you will get bit by something else down the road but if you  
test w/ a command line 4.1.x MySQL client and it chokes on one of your  
queries it would pretty much show you what will work + what will not.

Since PHPMyAdmin is more of a tool it will probably throw more admin  
related queries for info and bail out.  This type of situation is  
where it's nice to get a VPS setup vs. a normal ISP / shared hosting  
deal since you can compile and install this yourself.

- Jon

On Jan 6, 2008, at 12:06 PM, Don Pavlish wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Longtime lurker, posting for the first time.  :)
> I'm coding a LAMP site now where the development server is running  
> MySQL Server version 5.0.45 and PHP MySQL client library 5.0.41.   
> Everything is working great.
> However, the final server we'll be deploying the site on is through  
> a different hosting provider.  They're also running MySQL 5.0.45,  
> but an older version of the PHP MySQL client library -- version  
> 4.1.22.
> I've googled exhaustively but can't find any good documentation as  
> to whether or not this will cause problems.  PHPMyAdmin seems to  
> think so -- it warns me that "Your PHP MySQL library version 4.1.22  
> differs from your MySQL server version 5.0.54. This may cause  
> unpredictable behavior."
> Thus far I've run some simple tests on the final server and haven't  
> seen any problems.  But I'm still concerned.  My gut feeling is that  
> the MySQL version and the PHP client library should be the same  
> major version... or am I just being paranoid?
> Has anyone any experience / thoughts?
> thanks!
> - Don
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