[nycphp-talk] Emails not being received when using mail()

B.A.S. lists at
Mon Jan 14 19:21:20 EST 2008

Ken Robinson wrote:
> Get a SPF record on the DNS Zone for the domain. A PTR record is also 
> good, but the hosting company usually has to do that one.
> As for the mail() function itself, use the "optional" 5th parameter to 
> set the "Return-path:" header. Set it to "-f 
> username at". The username doesn't have to exist. 
> Some domains like AOL will throw away email where domain in the 
> "Return-path:" header doesn't match the domain in the "From:" header.
> Ken

I've heard of SPF records before, but not PTR, so I'll go educate myself 
more on both counts to see if I can remedy the situation. The hosting 
company in question is pretty accommodating, so they may be willing to help.

I'll try that 5th parameter and see what happens. Luckily, for this 
particular script the "From:" header is hard-coded.


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